Great gameplay with deep mechanics! The lack of music makes everything tense. Roguelike elements keep you on your toes. Difficulty curve is steep, but exciting. Graphics are minimal, but informative and enjoyable. Fantastic game!
Here is pt. 2 of AloneInTheHalo's walkthrough:
2.2) Killing gadgets
Pistol (x4): RRT: medium. RNG: a lot of squares, in front of you unidirectionally. Notes: it kills 1 enemy at a time; alerts all mobile enemies (***).
Sword: RRT: high. RNG: all squares until a wall, in front of you unidirectionally. Notes: it kills all enemies in your path; you'll find yourself at the last square affected by this attack; you won't be detected even if the attack PASS THROUGH enemies' fields of view.
Matchstick: RRT: high. RNG: some squares, in front of you unidirectionally and adjacent ones. Notes: it kills enemies weak to fire in its range; kills also the shopkeeper and destroys gadgets on the floor; gems and keys are immune; squares are covered in flames(*).
Bomb: RRT: high. RNG: 3 squares, every direction around you. Notes: it explodes as soon as you use it; kills all enemies in its range; also destroys walls and doors; you, shopkeepers, gems, keys and gadgets are immune; alerts all mobile enemies (***).
2.3) Utility's gadgets
Lightbulb: RRT: low. Notes: it illuminates the entire floor; if the floor is already enlightened or if you’re using a cardboard box, it does nothing.
Skateboard (x3): RRT: medium. Notes: you'll move forward until bumping into an obstacle, consuming just 1 turn; you won't be detected even if PASSING THROUGH enemies' fields of view.
Drill: RRT: medium. Notes: it makes a hole in front of you (all wall squares until an empty square); it does nothing if used in front of an empty square.
First aid kit: RRT: medium. Notes: it heals 1 life. Protip: don’t keep it if you’ve lost 1 life, you need slot for other gadgets.
Teleporter (x3): RRT: medium. Notes: it teleports you somewhere on the same floor; if your arrival destination is within some enemies’ field of view, they'll be stunned. (**)
Time stopper: RRT: high. Notes: it stops time; lasts for 19 turns or until you attack someone or use some types of gadget; you won't be detected even if walking through enemies' fields of view(****).
Portable door: RRT: high. Notes: a door is placed in front of you; if there’s an empty square, a wall or a locked door in the destination’s square they’ll be replaced with a normal door, whereas if there’s an enemy nothing will happen; similarly to bananas, if there’s a gem or a gadget in the destination’s square the 2 elements will coexist, while if there’s a key the latter will be destroyed (probably a BUG).
Cardboard box: RRT: high. Notes: it hides from all enemies' field of view(****); lasts for 49 turns or until you attack someone or use some types of gadget; alerted enemies return at their normal behaviors; visible explored part of the floor will return black; it reduces your field of view. (**)
Helix wing: RRT: extreme. Notes: you’ll instantly escape the game with your current number of gems. If you've this gadget but you escape without using it, you’ll lose 10 gems.
Error: RRT: extreme. RNG: 6 squares, every direction around you. Notes: everything on squares in its range (with few exceptions) is affected by error’s dimension; it alerts all mobile enemies (***).
(*)Every few turns flames on the floor spread from a square to adjacent ones, don't taking into account walls or other kind of obstacles; "elite bots", "rooks", "terminators" and "living flames" are not affected by squares covered in flames.
(**)Protip: best use is when you’ve to deal with a horde of alerted enemies.
(***)Those already on the floor, the ones entering later and those recovering from stunning condition.
(****)You'll still take damage if walking on a square covered in flames.
3) Enemies
I’ll illustrate them by subdividing them in 4 subcategories, for descriptive purposes only: 3.1) Basic enemies, 3.2) 2.0 enemies, 3.3) GPS enemies and 3.4) Special enemies.
Note: lengths will be expressed in squares, speeds will be expressed in squares/turn.
3.1) Basic enemies
If you’re seen or perceived by an enemy of this subcategory it’ll be alerted and/or alerts all mobile enemies on the floor. Mobile enemies of this type doesn’t open doors if not alerted.
Camera: Field of view's max depth(FVMD): 7. Field of view's max width(FVMW): 5. Normal speed(NS): 0. Alerted speed(AS): 0. Notes: it usually rotates between 2 directions forming a 90° angle; it doesn't attack, but if you're seen it stops its rotation and alerts all mobile enemies (*).
Patrol bot: FVMD: 7. FVMW: 5. NS: 2. AS: 1. Notes: it moves forward until reaching an obstacle, then it rotates of 90° (180° if in a corridor) and moves forward until reaching another obstacle, and so on; if you're seen it starts following you, hitting when it reaches a square adjacent to yours (not diagonal).
Guard dog(**): Perception's min radius(PMIR): 0. Perception's max radius(PMAR): 2. NS: 0. AS: 1. Notes: it sleeps all the time but it can perceive your presence when its sleep is weaker, so it's more correct to talk of radius of perception instead of field of view; for 8 turns its perception is null, for 4 turns it perceives from 1 square away in every direction, for 4 turns it reaches its maximum radius, then for 4 turns it returns to 1 square, then again its perception is null and the cycle starts again; if you're perceived it awakes and starts following you, hitting when it reaches a square adjacent to yours (not diagonal). Protip: especially in higher level floor, they usually start to appear in packs of 2, 4 and finally 9, so take some time to study their sleep cycles and learn how to avoid waking them.
Sentinel: FVMD: 7. FVMW: 1. PMIR: 1. PMAR: 1. NS: 0. AS: 0. Notes: it's field of view is composed of 4 equidistant lines that rotate uninterruptedly anticlockwise around it; it also always perceives you if you're 1 square away from it; it needs 48 turns for a 360° rotation; like cameras it doesn't attack, but if you're seen it stops its rotation and alerts all enemies (*).
3.2) 2.0 enemies
Enemies of this subcategory are advanced version of some enemies of the previous one. The main difference is that these enemies are armed with laser, so that a field of view (and/or radius of perception) is ALSO a range of action.
Laser camera(**): FVMD: 7. FVMW: 5. NS: 0. AS: 0. Notes: it works like a camera, but moreover it remotely fires at you EVERYTIME you step on a square in its field of view.
Laser patrol: FVMD: 7. FVMW: 5. NS: 2. AS: 1. Notes: it has the same characteristics of a patrol bot, but moreover it remotely fires at you THE FIRST TIME you step on a square in its field of view.
Laser sentinel(**): FVMD: 7. FVMW: 1. PMIR: 1. PMAR: 1. NS: 0. AS: 0. Notes: it has the same characteristics of a sentinel, but moreover it remotely fires at you EVERYTIME you step on a square in its field of view or in its radius of perception.
3.3) GPS enemies
Enemies of this subcategory are always aware of your presence, even if you hide using the "cardboard box". They constantly make their way to the shortest path to reach you, opening doors (not locked one) on their way. Because of this characteristic, it’s more correct to talk only of range of action instead of field of view. Also their speed doesn't change because they're already aware of your presence.
Elite bot: Range of action’s max depth(RAMD): 6. Range of action's max width(RAMW): 1. Speed(SPD): 2. Notes: it remotely fires at you EVERYTIME you step on a square in its range of action. Protip: when it's in the unexplored part of the map, it's marked with a RED question mark.
Rook: Range of action’s min radius(RAMIR): 1. Range of action’s max radius(RAMAR): 1. SPD: 1. Notes: it can change direction only on squares adjacent to a wall; when it starts to move along a direction, it doesn't stop until reaching a wall or another obstacle in front of it; if it hits you, its radius of action will be canceled intermittently for some turns. Protip: wait a turn as soon as you enter floors 12-14. If you see a question mark that moves it’s surely a rook, as it’s the only enemy with this speed. As floors 12-14 are usually composed of cramped rooms with narrow and tortuous corridors, rooks can be very annoying, so try to outdistance them more than possible.
Terminator: RAMD: 6. RAMW: 1. RAMIR: 1. RAMAR: 1. SPD: 2. Notes: It has the same characteristics of an elite bot. Protip: it's a f****ing terminator, run!!! (However don't forget that, eventually, there're ways to stun or kill it too)
3.4) Special enemies
Living bomb(**): PMIR: 0. PMAR: 0. NS: 0. AS: 1. Notes: like guard dogs it sleeps all the time, but conversely its radius of perception is always null; it works exactly as the "bomb" gadget, but the explosion harms you too; if it explodes when you step upon it you’ll lose 1 life; when alerted of your presence because another enemy or a gadget you used, it starts following you and, when the distance is lower than 10 squares, a timer starts and it'll explodes after 9 turns; if you're caught in the explosion in this case, you'll lose 2 lives; if you use a "cardboard box" when it's already alerted it'll explodes immediately, but you won't take any damage even if you're caught in the explosion.
Living flames(**): Notes: it's a living flame and it's evil, you don't need to know anything else about it. Protip: if you step on the same square in which it is, or if you try to kill it, it'll explodes, putting out fire from squares covered in flames in a radius of 5 squares in every direction around it. Moreover you won't be harmed by this explosion.
(*)Those already on the floor, the ones entering later and those recovering from stunning condition.
(**)Its real name is unknown, therefore I gave it one.
Update about number of key's on a floor level:
I've actually discovered that on some floors may be generated a kind of room, that I've called ritual room, closed with a locked door, which contains 4 "patrol bots" going around a gadget of medium or high rarity, with a key located on the external southeast side of this room. So, when a ritual room is generated on a floor, the number of keys on that floor is incremented by 1, as well as a safety vault increases the number of floor's gems of 2 units.