Great riffs, my dude!
Guitars sound awesome! Great tone with keeping the clarity in the chords. I would throw a gate on the input of the guitar. (or if you have one on there, I would tighten it up so it acts faster or at a higher threshold) The section at 0:45 has some brief rests, and the gate will help clean up the leftover string vibration when you palm mute. (or left hand mute, but it sounds like a palm mute to my ear) This will make that next chord sound a little more punchy when you slam it. I recommend a gate on the bass guitar, too, so that it works in tandem with the guitars.
I would use less reverb on the drums, but that's just personal preference. They sound like live drums from an arena show, kind of like they are behind everything else. Drums sound good, nonetheless. They fit right in the mix and have beef but clarity, too!
In terms of composition, the sections are all interesting and have good transitions! My only complaint is that they are all at the same dynamic level. Everything is slamming the whole time, so it kind of takes away from how slamming it is. There's nothing to contrast the slamming. Even just a short quiet section, or a quiet measure to transition into a section would help accentuate the intensity of the whole song.
Overall, great job! Can't wait to hear the vocal version! Sounds pretty kickass already!